Annotating PositionsΒΆ

Sometimes, it is useful to annotate a single position only, for example for quick checks or for debugging purposes. You can do this using the annotate-pos command of Jannovar.

You have to pass a path to a annotation database file and one or more chromosomal change specifiers. Jannovar will then return the effect and the HGVS annotation for each chromosomal change.

# java -jar jannovar-cli-0.11.jar annotate-pos data/hg19_ucsc.ser 'chr1:12345C>A'
#change     effect  hgvs_annotation
chr1:12345C>A       INTRONIC        DDX11L1:uc010nxq.1:c.38+118C>A

The format for the chromsomal change is as follows:

name of the chromosome or contig
position of the first change base on the chromosome; in the case of insertions the first base after the insertion; the first base on the chromosome has position 1
the reference bases
the alternative bases